2024: W … A to Z of DNA and Me: Wisdom Teeth Traits

Wisdom Teeth

Around a third of people are missing at least one of their wisdom teeth (the molars furthest back in the mouth). My DNA suggest I was unlikely to develop all four of my wisdom teeth… being more influenced by my paternal side. Mama’s DNA suggests she developed all four of hers. Hubby developed all four as it suggested… as well as both kids.

Decoding your DNA

Four genetic markers, or locations in my DNA, was used to estimate whether or not I would develop all four wisdom teeth. But there’s likely more to the genetic story here. I never had to have any wisdom teeth pulled… and think I still have all four. Wonder why Ancestry focused on wisdom teeth as a trait… I would be interested in comparing the quantity of cavities we have… but I’m sure that would be more environmental… due to not brushing and too much candy! Both are probably why I always had cavities after each visit as a child… not as many as an adult.

Did you know?

  • Here’s one wacky reason why people might be missing wisdom teeth. Scientists have found a link between having the numbing shots of Novocain in the gums as a young child, in not getting wisdom teeth later in life. I’m not sure I believe that one… as I always was in the dentist chair as a child. I never went to the dentist without having several cavities… partially my fault as I was one of those kids who often “wet” their toothbrush… saying they brushed! I’m not a fan of going to the dentist… but I go.
  • Although formally known as third molars, the common name is wisdom teeth because they appear so late – much later than the other teeth, at an age where people are presumably “wiser” than as a child.
  • 20 baby teeth first appear, then erupt and falls out… replaced by 32 permanent teeth.
  • Some wisdom teeth never erupt and never become visible.
  • Your wisdom teeth are your last set of adult teeth to grow in.
  • Wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25.
  • Flossing really helps… and once I began, cleaning became faster and pain free. Before I began daily flossing… cleanings were the worst… painful digging! Now I seem to be in and out!

Thanks for reading the oddest of posts… So, Have you Flossed Today?


To read more 2024: A to Z of DNA and more, click HERE.

© 2024, copyright Jeanne Bryan Insalaco; all rights reserved


Previous Years A to Z April Challenges…

2016: A to Z Southern Foods and Memories… they said write what you know… and being a girl born in the South… well this was what I knew.
2017: A to Z Conversations with Mama… it was a somewhat easy one for me to write as I’d journaled our conversations for years… I researched favorite topics to write.
2018: A to Z All About Nancy Drew… this one has been my favorite topic so far, and I don’t know if I’ll ever come up with another one to equal it
2019: A to Z Italian Famiglia Foods and Memories… I felt it was time to finally write the favorites of my husbands family foods.
2020: A to Z Family Stories… writing the stories of my husband’s family.
2021: A to Z of Mama in Photos... blogging on my mother through photos and memories      2022: A to Z Time Travels… Time Traveling through my blog… and more.          2023: A to Z The Best of our Journals… blogging on journals of hubby and I.

About Jeanne Bryan Insalaco

My blog is at: https://everyonehasafamilystorytotell.wordpress.com/
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5 Responses to 2024: W … A to Z of DNA and Me: Wisdom Teeth Traits

  1. I have all of mine, although i did manage to break one oops lol



    Liked by 1 person

  2. I had all my wisdom teeth out when I was about 40. They had not erupted but were “impacted”. That was traumatic.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Only 1 ever came out and I still have it.

    Liked by 1 person

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